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How do I keep track of all the info I find about pigs?

Keep a pig diary. When you see info at a site, print it out and keep in a three ring binder.
When you have a vet visit write everything down you want to ask the vet before you get there in the diary. Most people are nervous at the office and it's often hard to remember what was said. You can also use a small tape recorder in the office and write it down later.

In your pig diary also keep a weight chart of your pigs.
Weigh your pigs weekly. It is one of the best ways to keep track of your pigs health. Weight loss is often the first sign of illness.


What does U.R.I mean?

Upper Respiratory Infection (Guinea Lynx)


What does U.T.I mean?

Urinary Tract Infection (Guinea Lynx)
