Cavies Are US
General cavy care


Cavia Porcellus
Cavy Rescue
Common Questions and answers (1)
Common questions and answers (2)
Medical sites
Cavy Message Boards
General cavy care
Growing Wheatgrass
More Cavy Links
Veterinary Universities, College's and Libraries (1)
Veterinary Universities, College's and Libraries (2)
Veterinary Universities, College's and Libraries (3)
E-Mail The Library


These Links will lead you to General Cavy Care sites

All Experts (Ask an expert your Cavy questions)

The Cavy Compendium (lots of in depth articles, Forums)

Seagull's Guinea Pig Compendium (General care, Vet finder)

American Cavy Breeders Association (General care)

Wheekers World (General Care and Rescue)

Scuttler Net (Links, Ringworm information)

Cavymadness (Gift shop and cavy info, Message board)

Cavies Galore(care, fun and games, Message board)

S.A.L Cavies (General Care, Store)

Canny Cavies (Cavy Care and Fun)

Exotic Animal Directory at Acme Pet (General Care, Message board)

The Guinea Pig Hutch (General Care, Links)

Cavies Dot Com (General Care, Mail List)

Cavies.Org (General Care, Mambo # 5)

Cavy Kingdom (General Care)

Sites are in random order. More to come.


These sites will contain just about every thing you will need to know about your Cavy, such as, housing, feeding, etc. These sites contain general care and Medical information.